
The log window in betvicror伟德2021欧洲杯COMSOL Multiphysics is unreadable on my Linux computer

Solution Number: 1287 版本:所有版本

The Log window in my betvicror伟德2021欧洲杯COMSOL Multiphysics sessions looks like this: This issue is most commonly observed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) when the package texlive-fonts-recommended is present. But it has been ...

Is betvicror伟德2021欧洲杯COMSOL 5.5 Supported on Cray Clusters?

Solution Number: 1276 版本:所有版本

betvicror伟德2021欧洲杯Comsol Multiphysics版本5.5支持Cray簇上的分布式内存计算。我们已经验证了Comsol Multiphybetvicror伟德2021欧洲杯sics 5.5版在CLE 7.0下的Cray XC40上以分布式模式运行。我们已经测试了...

Thread placement on >64 logical cores on Windows

Solution Number: 1275 版本:5.5

On Windows computers with more than 64 logical cores (e.g. with more than 32 physical cores and Hyperthreading enabled as recommended) thread placement for betvicror伟德2021欧洲杯COMSOL Multiphysics or COMSOL Server can be inefficient.你 ...

Resolving time-dependent waves

Solution Number: 1118 Applies to: Acoustics Module, betvicror伟德2021欧洲杯COMSOL Multiphysics, MEMS Module, RF Module, Structural Mechanics Module, Wave Optics Module 版本:所有版本

I am solving a time-dependent wave-type problem, what mesh and solver settings should I adjust for better accuracy and runtimes? The accuracy of a time-dependent model solving for electromagnetic, acoustic, ...

Solving complicated models

Solution Number: 1267 版本:所有版本

I have a large, complicated, model that is not solving, or taking a long time to solve.我该怎么办?There are a number of reasons why a model may not be solving, or solving very slowly.This article describes ...

Memory leak in the Fortran Runtime Libraries

Solution Number: 1264 版本:5.4

When running running a model that uses the MUMPS solver repeatedly on my multicore processor, I notice a small gradual increase in Memory Consumption. Please make sure that your betvicror伟德2021欧洲杯COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4 installation is ...

The MUMPS solver crashes or hangs during Cluster Simulation

Solution Number: 1263 版本:5.4

When running large models on a cluster with betvicror伟德2021欧洲杯COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4, the MUMPS solver hangs or crashes. This issue has been fixed in Update 4 for COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4. Please update your COMSOL installation to ...


Solution Number: 1262 版本:所有版本

Transient models involve computing a solution that varies over time. To do so, the software begins with the given initial conditions and computes the evolution of the unknowns using one of several different time ...

Performing a Mesh Refinement Study

Solution Number: 1261 版本:所有版本

How do I gain confidence in the accuracy of the solution to my problem? How do I perform a mesh refinement study? All of the numerical methods used within betvicror伟德2021欧洲杯COMSOL Multiphysics® discretize the modeling space via a Mesh ...

What to do when a linear stationary model is not solving

Solution Number: 1260 版本:所有版本

I am solving a linear stationary finite element model but the software is not solving.为什么?What can I do about this?A linear finite element model is one in which all of the material properties, loads, boundary ...
